How to Write the Plural of ‘Antenna’


Although We use this instrument all the time, but do we know how to write the plural for it? See if you know.

In which sentence is the plural of "antenna" used most correctly?

  1. Both Wi-Fi antennae were out.

  2. Both Wi-Fi antenna were out.

  3. Both Wi-Fi antennaes were out.

  4. Both Wi-Fi antennas were out.

The plural of “antenna” has two forms. “Antennas” is the correct answer here, which, in this case, refers to devices for radiating or receiving radio waves. The second answer, “antenna,” is the singular and incorrect here because there is more than one antenna. “Antennae” is the Latin form of the plural and used when referring to insects and the sensory organs on their heads. “Antennaes” is a false plural and nonexistent word since “antennae” is already a plural.


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