Definition Detail: Concerted

The business world is full of phrases that sound profound but whose meanings many people have difficulty defining exactly. A ”concerted effort” is one example. We often pull out the word "concerted" when we want to emphasize an action, but what does it mean precisely? See if you know.

“A concerted effort” is one in which everyone is . . .

  1. showing maximum concern.

  2. concentrating intensely.

  3. working in unison.

  4. exerting extreme effort.

The correct answer is “working in unison,” because “concerted” means an effort in concert, or an effort where everyone is working together or in agreement. However, the similarity in spelling of “concerted” with "concentrated" often can lead people to confuse it with the latter, and perhaps the similarity in sound of “concerted” with "exerted" can influence people in thinking that "concerted" means to try really, really hard.


Yay! Yea! Yeah!


Pronunciation Poise: Asterisk