Do You Log into, Log in to, Login to, or Log to?

Log In To-Post.jpg

Just what is the correct way to write how we access a PC to start a computing session? It’s not as easy as many people think. Give it your best shot below.

  1. Did she log into a PC?

  2. Did she log in to a PC?

  3. Did she login to a PC?

  4. Did she log to a PC?

The correct answer is the second one, "log in to a PC." With phrases like "log in," "tune in" and "turn in," the preposition is preserved when "in" and "to" come next to each other, and not combined with "to": "log in to the system," "tune in to a channel," "turn himself in to the police." Also, remember the verb is two words, "log in," and the noun is one word, "login."


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