Pronunciation Poise: Orangutan


A little something fun for all you animal lovers. See if you know how to say the name of the adorable ape from Indonesia.

What’s the most correct way to pronounce orangutan, in American English?

  1. uh-rang-uh-tan

  2. uh-rang-uh-tin

  3. uh-rang-uh-tang

  4. uh-rang-uh-tun

And the right answer is . . . option one, "uh-rang-uh-tan." This pronunciation most closely matches the Malay term the English word is derived from, "oran utan" ("forest man"). The "uh-rang-uh-tang" pronunciation, though, is extremely common in American English and not incorrect. It's thought that it arose because the reduplicative rhyme makes the word easier to say.


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