Definition Detail: Verbal

"Verbal," a word used frequently, should be an easy one to define, right?

In the phrase "verbal contract," the word "verbal" technically means what?

  1. Spoken rather than written

  2. Written rather than spoken

  3. Spoken or written

The third answer is correct, "spoken or written." Technically, "verbal" means "of, relating to, or consisting of words.” By what’s called slipshod extension, however, “verbal” has come to be used frequently in the sense of "spoken." This is completely acceptable, but a better, more precise word for this is "oral."

Keeping in mind the true definition of “verbal,” the movie producer Samuel Goldwyn was in fact not particularly ironic when he famously said, “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” Well, a written contract is verbal. “Oral” is a better choice here.


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